About Danny Grimley

Genuine, loving, heart. Those three words, to me, epitomize Danny. He truly invested himself in the people in his life, he loved them unconditionally, and he gave them all he had in his heart. Those three words are who Danny was and what he stood for, but Danny isn’t someone who can be described in words. His smile, his laugh, his ability to light up a room; that is what those who loved him know him by and will always remember. Danny cared so hard and so deeply about his friends and his family, more so than anyone I know. I strive daily to be more like Danny in hopes that I can have a fraction of an impact on the people in my life that he had on the people in his life. Danny’s ability to let those he loved know how much he loved them is a true reflection of his character and in that aspect, he was and always will be my role model.

“A man cannot be measured by their wealth, their success or their possessions; the true measurement of a man is in the impact they had on others.” Danny impacted more people in his 32 years on this earth than most people do in a lifetime. That impact was immense, it was filled with love and it will last forever in those people. That is how Danny will be remembered. That is how Danny will live on. That is Danny’s legacy.

I love you dearly Lump, I’m a better person because of you and I will always strive to be more like you. - Ryan Kuehne

Lump was one of a kind. He was a "best-friend" to every one of his friends, and he had more friends than you could count. Life of the party, obnoxiously loud but contagious laugh, and loyal to a fault. Family and friends were clearly the two most important things in his life, and he always made sure you knew how much you meant to him. The amount of life he packed into 32+ years is unmatched. Although it was far too short, words can't express how thankful I am for his friendship and the time we shared. He is loved, and he is missed.  - Danny Sagen

Danny Grimley, or as most knew him “Lumpy” was a dear friend and special person to all. Lumpy cared deeply for everyone but loved his friends and family more than anything else. Lumpy was everyone’s best friend. He had a unique ability to connect with everyone and make you feel important. Danny put 100% into everything he did from school to his relationships and his deep passion for sports and competitiveness. He was loyal and always reaching out to see how you were doing. He loved to hear about what was happening in your life and was always there to celebrate the good times with you and be there when the times were tough and would do anything to help. Lumpy loved talking about his passions whether that be sports, music, or movies with all his friends. When hanging out with Lumpy you knew there would be a lot of laughter, since he could light up every room with his smile, infectious laugh, and captivating stories. Lumpy loved competition whether it be his Varsity Basketball and Baseball teams, or shooting hoops in the driveway, he always wanted to win. Danny brought joy to everyone and impacted many throughout his time here. - Ben Grimley

Lumpy was the best of all of us. He wasn’t the life of the party just because he was entertaining and cool; no he was the life because he truly loved and cared so much about each and every one of his friends. He was always the first to message, always the first to ask how you are, always the first to let you know he loves you, and always the first to say he misses you. I will forever try to be more like him and to spread that love and passion for family, friends, and life. Miss you forever Grimdawg.  - Kevin Sheehan

Danny is missed in so many different ways, but one of the things I miss most about him was how he was such a connector. He was always reaching out to people from a million different groups, and that was something we would give him a lot of crap for. We couldn’t fathom how he had THAT many close relationships with people I had never met, and it felt like he knew and was friends with just about everyone. It wasn’t exclusive to the kids he grew up with or lived nearby, but they were all over the place… Different grades and ages both younger and older than us in high school, friends from other high schools, and friends he met in college. 

If it was a Friday or Saturday afternoon and you were going to meet up with Lumpy, you didn’t always know who you’d end up hanging out with or bumping in to, but you always knew you were going to have fun.

I miss ya Grimdog, we love you! - Casey Domek

There are a million characteristics and qualities that made Danny the ultimate friend. He was always checking in, asking how you or your family was doing, and offering to help in any way he could. In recent years, it was a joy to see him interact with my two little girls, Ava and Lucy. I know how passionately he shared this love of life and family with all in his life, particularly his immediate family. I came across a quote recently that I'll always associate with Danny. "Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch." Danny left a permanent impression on myself and my wife, Lexi, that we'll cherish forever. Love you buddy. - Neil Ostrander

Grimley was one of a kind and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. He was genuine, loyal, supportive and simply made those around him smile. From the huskies to the Hoosiers, to roommates when we decided to take on the city. I was lucky enough to have him in my corner. Whether it was our daily conversations on Chicago sports, or him just checking in, talking to him, put me in a better mood, always. Love you grim doggy.  - Nigam Shah

Danny was a selfless friend and is responsible for so many incredible memories for so many people.

Danny’s goal was always to ensure everyone else was having as much fun as he was, if not more. And he always succeeded. Not only did he make memories for his friends, but he was constantly checking in on them to make sure they were doing ok.

We will always miss him checking in on us, and think about the new memories we would have made with him. But we have so many great memories to hold onto, and for that we are all beyond grateful. - Erich Nathe

After knowing Lumpy for so long I would call him my brother, rather than just my friend. I am so thankful for him being in my life. He introduced me to many of my lifelong friends, was standing by me at my wedding, and did his best to keep me out of trouble. He was instrumental in me becoming the person I am today. Lump was absolutely contagious to everyone he came into contact with and that is evident with how many best friends he had. His heart was always in the right place and he was always giving to people who needed it most.  My family and I miss him so much and there isn’t a day that goes by where he isn’t brought up.

Love you and miss you brother - Dan Garhan